Sunday, April 27, 2008

ABTC Program Development Updates

We’re making progress! Slow, but we see changes. The administration and program development take up most of our time. Contracts, by-laws, letters, and training materials, everything needs to be written in English and Mongolian. We’re very fortunate to have found Uulzi who can help us with the translation and administration at ABTC. She has many new ideas and a lot of energy to go with it. Pieter is busy with the training for the CAMA church leaders. It is part of a larger strategy to develop a biblical understanding of church and reorganize the local churches so that they are sustainable and multiplying.

The program development team held two workshops during March and April to plan and work on the theological educational and leadership development program (TELD as we call it). In April the workshop involved all the local CAMA church leaders and church leaders from the other Darhan churches. We were able to gather much input and ideas that will help with the program development. A smaller team is now meeting weekly to work on the program development. We aim to launch the training program in September 2008. Please pray for that!