“Suu (milk) av (to buy) aaree (please)”!!! Mongolians have pretty impressive voices, you can hear them announcing the arrival of milk even with the windows closed. Mongolians buy milk every morning, just enough to make some suutae tsae (boiled milk with some tea leaves and salt). The salt in the tea is probably the equivalent of a strong cup of coffee. They were quite surprised in the beginning when I bought up to 8 liters of milk at a time (one or two times a week), enough to also make yoghurt and cottage cheese. We strain the milk through several layers of cloth, and then boil it for 10 – 20 minutes. Quite an operation to boil 8 liters of milk. We’re just glad to again have “real” milk and not like in the Philippines where we had to make do with powdered milk. The prices range from $0,25 per liter during summer, up to $0.80 during winter.